New! Special Summer Rental Program for Handheld XRF Analyzers for Exploration Work!

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Would you prefer to rent rather than buy, for this summer ?

Advantages of Renting:

* Put the latest technology right in your hands
* No capital expense justification or outlay
* No depreciation of assets
* Avoid calibration or storage costs
* Eliminate equipment maintenance or repair costs
* Analyzers are available when you need them
* Increase the efficiency of your project scope
* XRF Analyzer is ready to be used straight out of the box
* Expert Technical support to answer all questions
* Save cost on third-party analysis

A perfect solution to your short term requirements

Please contact us for the next XRF Operator Certification Training session. It will be a 7 hours training course, following the requirements of the NDT Certifying Agency. We’ll use the handheld XRF analyzer from Oxford Instruments.The Certification process takes 2-3 months. If you have an XRF analyzer on your wish list, now would be a good time to start working on your certification. This training session is the first step towards it !   

Please feel free to contact us at 1-888-742-9068 or online to schedule a free demonstrationwith the Oxford handheld XRF Mining analyzer X-MET7500, on your samples, at our site or yours, across Canada !
Monica Barbur



At Romquest we know your time is precious, and choosing the right equipment for your application, reliable and cost-efficient over the long term, in your budget range, can be difficult. That’s why we’re investing our time to showcase what our products can do for you! We’re available to chat by phone or Skype, and encourage you to take advantage of personal demonstrations at the Romquest office.


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