ICP-TOF-MS Products

ICP-MS, Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer – ICP-TOF, Mass Spectrometry

With the release of the third generation OptiMass 9600, GBC remains at the forefront in the development and marketing of ICP orthogonal Time-of-Flight Simultaneous Mass Spectrometry.

The OptiMass 9600 has an impressive install base which covers both the traditional routine screening and sample analysis through to laser ablation, graphite furnace and H PLC interface applications. In fact, the OptiMass 9600 speed of analysis is particularly suited to any fast transient type analysis.

OptiMass 9600 – The World’s only SIMULTANEOUS Time of Flight ICP-MS


At Romquest we know your time is precious, and choosing the right equipment for your application, reliable and cost-efficient over the long term, in your budget range, can be difficult. That’s why we’re investing our time to showcase what our products can do for you! We’re available to chat by phone or Skype, and encourage you to take advantage of personal demonstrations at the Romquest office.


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